Soap Folk soaps


Soap is the big revelation for so many people, in 2020. No more wondering what to do with the pumps from hand washes as you hover over the recycling bin. And soap is the embodiment of the simple pleasure, which everyone seems to have rediscovered this year.

But – how can we put this? – a lot of very noble, hand-made soaps just look a bit homespun. Certainly not gift-y enough. Enter Soap Folk, whose beautiful bars appear above, then wrapped in absolutely gorgeous prints that would please anyone whose bar is kept relatively high, aesthetically. (Holding the bar high for… a bar, in this case.)

Soil Association-certified organic, lovely smells, kind to hands, Soap Folk soaps are hand-made near Stroud in the Cotswolds. We’d certainly be chuffed to find these in the toe of a stocking. Or a fresh bar for unwrapping, in a guest room.

From £5.95 – buy here