Your salon needs you... NOW!


At The Beauty Bible offices, we were discussing the other day the truly extraordinary effect that returning to our favourite hair and beauty practitioners has had on on spirits and confidence (never mind our looks!) And thanking our lucky stars to have the freedom to visit, again.

However, the beauty industry is still being massively impacted by the pandemic. Many salons are seeing lower client numbers than before they were forcibly closed – perhaps because of the impact on people’s incomes, or anxieties about safety (which we absolutely do not share, knowing the extraordinary lengths all the salons we know of go to, to maintain the highest standards.

For many salons, this is a question of survival. According to the British Beauty Council, ‘More than 7,000 salons in the UK have gone out of business since March last year following the forced closures in light of the pandemic. While salons were able to reopen on 12 April 2021, they aren’t yet seeing the numbers of clients coming back to salons and stores that they had pre-COVID.’ The beauty industry is a huge employer and contributor to the economy – and they really need us to show them some serious love.

So we encourage you to get back in the chair. Book a pedicure. Get that wax. Return to your favourite colourist (as we have done – and boy, are we overjoyed with the results).

And – in line with this campaign’s slogan – say #ohhellobeauty again.

Personally, we consider it our duty! For the sake of the economy. AND our split ends…