Michelle Roques O'Neil Hawaiian Lava Soak

Many years ago we were converted to the idea of nightly foot-bathing – at least in winter – as a strategy for keeping colds and flu at bay, by a leading practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since then, with several acupuncturists saying the exact same thing, we’ve embraced the idea as a regular ritual, usually with some magnesium salts and aromatherapy oils in the bowl of hot water. (A washing-up bowl is ideal.)

From here on in, though, we’ll be using this dedicated product from ‘A-list’ holistic therapist Michelle Roques O’Neil. Her treatments have always been transporting and feel almost magically healing, but living outside London as we do now, not always accessible. A good jigger of this in the nighttime foot-soaking water, though, is like having a Michelle ‘takeaway’, to be enjoyed at home.

She demo-ed this to us at her little therapy studio, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Portobello, but it couldn’t be easier to use. The salts are infused with lava particles, which tints the water a smoky black. The essential oil blend is lovely, grounding and soul-soothing, somehow, with grapefruit, juniper, lemongrass, patchouli and geranium. (Not cheap. But we’ve been experimenting and you don’t have to be super-generous with the dose. 

Also featuring particles of tourmaline, moonstone and carnelian crystals, the salts are recommended after exercise for aches and pains, effective against skin irritations, good for stress, insomnia, over-tiredness – and according to Michelle, work to clear EMF toxicity. (Since we excrete many toxins through our feet, this does make sense, however weird it may sound.) Her absolute recommendation is not to ‘interface’ with any electrical devices, after soaking.

Whatever it does for the immune system, we certainly recommend foot-bathing as a fantastically de-stressing and a great way to wind down before bed.

And this foot soak? We lava it…

£58 for 450g - buy here