Tip of the Day: 2.10.2018

If you’re using a vitamin C product, apply after cleansing and before sunscreen. Advises skincare expert Debbie Thomas, ‘Don’t forget to massage it over lips and the outer corner of eyes where fine lines are prone to appear, to help protect those delicate areas.’

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 1.10.2018

We’re interested in all things green as well as all things gorgeous, at Beauty Bible. So a tip from Sarah’s feature ’20 Ways to Help Save the Planet’ (from YOU Magazine): ‘Use organic cotton face/hand cloths rather than wet wipes and never put wipes down the loo. Most are made of polyester, a plastic that takes years to degrade and then releases millions of tiny fibres into rivers. The Department of the Environment now classes wet wipes with plastic bags as serious environmental hazards.’

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 26.09.2018

If you’ve slipped outside the lines doing a manicure or pedicure, a few drops of cuticle oil will loosen the colour from skin after the polish is dry – and it won’t damage your nails’ finish.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 25.09.2018

There’s a rethink on salt and health going on. And Dr. Joseph Mercola, author of Effortless Healing, believes it’s good for gut health. ‘High-quality unprocessed sea salt will not only provide you with the chloride your body needs to make hydrochloric acid; it also contains more than 80 trace minerals necessary for optimum biochemical performance.’

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 24.09.2018


If you live in a polluted area, consider putting some houseplants in your bedroom. According to NASA, English ivy is great for anyone with allergies, asthma or anyone looking for a better night’s sleep. (It is also known to reduce airborne mold particles.) Or go for mother-in-law’s tongue (a.k.a. ‘snake plant’), also one of the top 10 air-purifying plants.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 21.09.2018


Hair frazzled by summer? Hair oils are brilliant for repair, but if you don’t have one to hand, Philip B. suggests a mixture of olive and sesame oils. Wrap hair in a towel and leave for at least 20 minutes before shampooing and conditioning as usual.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 20.09.2018

Feeling stressed? Strange-but-true: a track or two of Bob Marley could calm you right down. Frank Lipman, author of Total Renewal and Revive! End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again, often prescribes music by the Jamaican singer as it has 60 beats a minute, which is optimum for calming. ‘Close your eyes, stay very conscious of your listening, and the music will begin to affect the rhythms of your bodily processes.’ Your breathing should slow and your heart rate come down.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 18.09.2018

Drink a glass of water in the early evening, as dehydration causes a drop in the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Drink water or herbal tea late afternoon/evening – so you can hydrate without your bladder waking you up for a bathroom break in the middle of the night.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 17.09.2018

Forget that myth about keeping nail polish in the fridge to ensure it stays fresh. The texture can change if it’s cooled too much – and it’s harder to apply if it’s chilled.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 14.09.2018

Nail files should literally feel like the finest sand. Glass files have the right finish for nails, or use an emery board with the word ‘superfine’ in the name. Sandpapery files can tear and flake nails.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 12.09.2018

Nude nailcolours are more forgiving, as chips are less noticeable. But you need to make sure your nails are perfectly buffed and filed, as uneven nails – by contrast – are accented by nude shades.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 11.09.2018

If skin gets shiny soon after cleansing, or you have enlarged pores, blackheads or your skin often breaks out, look for products with salicylic acid. It’s great for blemishes because it can penetrate the upper layers of skin and soak up sebum.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 10.09.2018

If you wake up tired, it may be due to breathing difficulties in the night. Before bed, move your neck from side to site to stretch the muscles that aid inhalation.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 7.09.2018

Good news, as the autumn green veg start to hit the shelves: spinach, kale and cabbage, in particular, are rich in lutein – the best antioxidant for eye health.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 6.09.2018

Another way to tell if you have a ‘warm’ complexion (in which case you’ll suit olives, apricots, greens, browns, ivory and peach shades), or ‘cool’ (pinks, blues, reds lilacs and brighter whites can work well on your skin). Try looking closely at the palm of your hand or the underside of your wrist for the predominant tone. If it’s blue, pink (or even green), you’re in the cool family; if it’s yellow, golden or orange, you’re warm. (You can hold a piece of white paper under your hand, for contrast.)

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 5.09.2018

If you like the idea of body-brushing to improve lymph drainage – but you’re short on time – listen to this advice from Legology founder Kate Shapland. ‘The biggest groups of lymph notes are in your neck, armpits and groin. So when short on time, do a few short brush strokes over those areas, plus the backs of your knees and inside your elbows, where there are smaller node clusters.’

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 4.09.2018

Lots of us apply make-up with a sponge or a blending sponge in the bathroom. But don’t leave sponges in there when not in use; steam from the bath or shower can condense on the surface, trigging mould. After cleaning the sponge, move it to a different room to air-dry.

Josephine Fairley
Tip of the Day: 3.09.2018

Don’t believe all that stuff about letting your nails ‘breathe’ between manicures or pedicures. Lungs breathe, not nails. Respected manicurist Deborah Lippmann advises that keeping nails polished actually protects against cracks and breaks. Just check in between for any fungal infections, which can start small and grow slowly, but once they take hold are hard to get rid of. If nails show minor yellowing, it’s probably staining from dark polish; use a protective coat, in future.

Josephine Fairley