Kikki.K Weekly Goals & Habits Pad: Inspiration


We’ve always been all about the carrot, not the stick. And Kikki.K stationery – quite apart from being lovely to look at and use – is big on goal-setting, positivity and affirmations. 

But who would have thought this pad could make such a difference? The top of the pad is all about the big stuff – life goals.

But what we really like is the second half of the pad – basically, a habit-tracker, but with definite carrots involved. You write down the good habits you want to nurture, and figure out how you’ll reward yourself at the end of the week if you tick all the boxes. Could be a bunch of flowers. A plant for the garden. A trip to a boot fair. An ice cream treat. (OK, that’s maybe not the healthiest reward after a week of being disciplined, but ice cream once a week isn’t  the end of the world...)

Jo bought one of these in New Zealand recently and has been truly astonished at how it’s improved her healthy habits. Maybe it’s a form of self-competitiveness, or just the incentive of those treats at the end of a week of meditating every day, fitting in at least one yoga class, taking her supplements religiously, doing 10,000 steps (she cuts herself some slack and allows herself a 70,000-a-week step target, because not every day pans out the way we plan or would hope).

It’s great for keeping on the desk and just about small enough to fit in a tote, for on-the-go-reminders.

Or maybe there’s almost nothing she won’t do for ice cream. (Which can be a sort of carrot, in its own way.)

 £6 – buy here