Download the Planet Positive Beauty Guide (and make some easy 'eco-beauty' swaps)

As world leaders jet away from COP26 in Glasgow, it’s left to the people on the ground to progress plans to save the planet. Among those are the movers and shakers from the Sustainable Beauty Coalition, which has just launched the Planet Positive Beauty Guide: How to Make Greener Beauty Choices.  You can download the Guide here.

We have always been advocates of more sustainable beauty. We wrote The Green Beauty Bible in 2008 and The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible in 2014 and we have witnessed Beauty Bible readers becoming increasingly concerned and engaged with ‘green’ beauty. Nationally, a recent study of 23,000 beauty shoppers found that nearly half (48%) want more information and clarity about brands’ values and commitments to the environment. Ingredients, recyclability of packaging and animal welfare were amongst the most frequently searched topics.

Now, as the Guide trumpets, our planet is in a code red situation. As Jo says in the Foreword to the Guide, ‘None of us want to fall prey to greenwashing by having the wool pulled over our eyes by brands with flimsy eco-credentials. The challenge, however is steering a path through a mist of confusion. What do all those baffling and jargon-filled  claims mean? Is ‘natural’ really natural? What exactly is “zero waste’”? How can we be sure something that says it is organic IS organic? And a concern that bothers most beauty-hounds: how can we be sure our products have not harmed animals, en route to our bathroom shelf or make-up bag?’

You can find answers to many of these questions in the Guide and also practical information about small changes you can make to make greener beauty choices. Like these simple swaps:

• Ditch the wipes and cotton wool pads and use a washable face cloth and reusable washable pads (our tip: machine wash them in an undies bag)

• Swap sheet masks for multi-use masks in a recyclable container

• Go back to good old-fashioned soap instead of shower gel from a plastic bottle

• Choose bamboo razors with swappable blades instead of disposable plastic razors

• Bamboo is also great for toothpicks instead of plastic; look for natural floss too

• Try to avoid all single use beauty items and go for jumbo sizes and refillable containers

These days greener beauty doesn't mean compromising on quality or luxury. There are wonderful, truly natural beauty products that are good for you and good for the planet. So do please read the Guide. It’s worth ten minutes of your time to help save the planet.