Fab Find Of The Week: Good Company by Julietta Dexter


We’ve known the author of this book for more decades than we care to remember, since she was a ‘baby’ public relations executive. Today, she heads up one of the most respected PR agencies in London and New York, The Communications Store.

She’s one of the best bosses we know – adored by her team. And for as long as we’ve known her, Julietta has always promoted the idea that despite working in the fashion and beauty industries, which can be very go-go-go, competitive and sometimes cut-throat, strong values in the workplace are vital.

This book was an absolute labour of love for Julietta, and we’ve chosen it as our Fab Find of the Week because right now it seems more apposite than choosing a fab new mascara or a cleanser as our Fab Find of the Week. (Don’t worry; we haven’t lost the plot and will be back with more of those over the coming weeks.)

If you run your own business, or work for a company you’d like to see focus more on values, rather than simply profit, it's a great read. As another friend, This Works founder Kathy Philips, observes: ‘The right book at the right time and it could only have been written by a woman. Julietta Dexter shows that it is possible to have business acumen and ambition as well as being caring and compassionate.’

At Beauty Bible, we truly believe that when we emerge from the current crisis, the world will have woken up to what is REALLY important: kindness, respect, sustainability, fairness. It’s going to look very different, that’s for sure.

This is a (very readable) manifesto for that future.

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