Wake up! We've advice for World Sleep Day

17th March is World Sleep Day. We’re probably going to declare it ‘World Sleep Weekend’, after the past hectic few days. But Pukka Teas would like to help us get the most out of it.

Sleep issues are a challenge for almost everyone we know. Embracing good ‘sleep hygiene’, as we have often talked about on this site, can be incredibly helpful. It’s about getting into good habits, and that’s where Pukka would like to help. They not only have a page of very sound advice for helping to hasten and deepen sleep, here – you can also access their downloadable Sleep Diary, put together by Ayurvedic practitioner Jo Webber, to help you assess how your sleep’s improving.

Naturally, one of their tips was always going to be… a nice, soothing cup of Pukka tea. But you know what? Their Organic Night-Time Tea really is a completely delicious way to sip your way sleep-wards, with its blend of chamomile, valerian, lavender and oat flower. (We’re feeling drowsy just writing that.) Find it here for £4.19 for 20 bags, at Victoria Health.

Sweet dreams, dear readers…