Fab Find Of The Week: NEOM Magnesium Body Butter newness


We raved about the first two versions of this body cream when they first launched last year – you can read our review here.

Now NEOM have launched this fab, nourishing, natural body treat in two more of their favourite aromatherapeutic fragrances: Great Day, from the Scent To Make You Happy range (with wild mint and mandarin) and Complete Bliss (joining the Scent To De-Stress collection), which is a-swirl with divine rosiness, together with a squeeze of lime and a little hint of black pepper. The base formula is just the same as the others in the line-up – gloriously nourishing, with its blend of olive oil and shea butter.

The body butters deliver magnesium topically – a magic mineral, so far as we’re concerned, which we find very good last thing at night to help us wind down. (80% of us lack magnesium, which is vital for mood, sleep and stress levels.) The scent of the Great Day option, however, also has us slathering in the morning (particularly onto shins, which for some reason feel super-dry right now), with its zingy aromatherapy oils.

Now, you know you’re in love with a product when to get to the very last bits in the tube, you cut off the top to scoop it out. That’s what happened with our last tube of NEOM Magnesium Body Butter – and then this landed, literally just as the last dollop ran out.

Now that IS a Great Day…

£36 for 200ml – buy here