MUJI Polypropylene Tube Squeezers


Probably the unsexiest-looking photo that we’ve ever featured on Beauty Bible. But nevertheless, such a great find!

Nipping into Japanese chain MUJI for some dinky plastic jars and bottles into which to decanter travel products, we came across these tube squeezers.

Yup. Tube Squeezers.

Because lately (it’s all part of the ever-more-habitual eco-mindset), we’ve become slightly obsessed with getting the last drops and squeezes out of products. So these are fab. You place them over the end of a tube of toothpaste or face cream (or heavens, tomato purée for that matter), and it gives you a ‘purchase’ that makes it easier to get the last of the product out of the tube. (Being MUJI, they even look good while they’re doing it.

They’re our new squeeze. Literally. (And 95p for three! NOTHING is 95p in 2020!)

£0.95 – buy here

PS If you prefer a sardine-can-type metal implement, we’ve found some of those too, below, from Manufactum, at £5.95 for five – find them here.)