Q. What are the Beauty Bible team’s New Year resolutions beauty-wise?
A. Gosh, that does put us on the spot!  So we decided to recruit not just the ‘core workers’, Jo, Sarah, Amy and Jessie but also the Centrepoint ‘Make A Difference’ team – who packed 250 amazing parcels for Centrepoint’s young homeless women, in mid-December – and are all involved in the beauty world too.

So here we go! It was riveting reading them and suffice it to say that even beauty insiders admit to being backward about beauty!  The word ‘lazy’ kept on occurring…

Jo: ‘I am going to take up skin-brushing again.  It really does work miracles:  I’ve got the brush (a fantastic copper-bristled one I got in Germany years ago), and all it takes is a couple of minutes each morning.  By late May when I start swimming again my thighs will be completely beach-worthy once more!’

Sarah: ‘I resolve to take care of my nails.  They are a disaster area, largely owing to my horses and gardening: both of which I love. I know that if I take silica, always-always-always wear gloves for grooming, washing up and gardening, coat them with Nail Magic and oil them daily, it works…. But only if I do it.’

Amy: I am going to promise myself that I’ll look after my feet more;  I tend to forget about them and then have a frantic rush to beautify them when it’s time to put on some pretty sandals! I have vowed to exfoliate weekly and moisturise every night before bed, as well as maintaining some pretty polished toes!

Jessie:  ‘I am going to be a little more adventurous in my make-up, especially my eyes.  Also, I am not just going to think about moisturising everywhere, especially my feet – but actually do it as part of my daily routine!!!

Sharon: ‘I am such a lazy person – my beauty resolution is to cleanse religiously and to never again go to bed with my make up on!  Also I absolutely resolve to have healthy snacks in my desk drawer so that I can always resist the cakes, biscuits and chocolates (all that sugar, so bad for skin ageing never mind the waistline…) that circulate around the office with alarming regularity.

Kirsty: ‘It’s all about the hair for me… my much dried, bleached haystack needs a lot of TLC to make it a lot less damaged-looking. Also the eyes – I wish I had been more religious with specific eye cream earlier on.  I couldn’t live without a great serum and moisturiser but my eyes simply do not get the same treatment, which they deserve and need!   I am lucky enough to have had so much laughter in my life, but I just wish there wasn’t such a wrinkle price to pay….  And of course, I resolve to drink more water, always more water.’

Sarah D:  ‘My resolution is to take care of my hands as I do my face and always keep a hand cream and cuticle oil on my desk and by my bed.  Our hands show our age so quickly and currently mine are looking a lot older than my face!’

Lisa: ‘My resolution is to start treating the skin on my body with as much care as I do my face.  I always forget (or can’t be bothered) to moisturise and rarely use exfoliating products and I’m really starting to see that I need give my legs and arms more TLC.  I also intend to start body brushing daily, it makes such a difference in the summer that I should really be doing it year round and stop being quite so lazy!

Michelle:  Mine is to invest in my hair as I do my skin – it’s all too easy to forget about hair care and just see it as a necessity you pick up at the supermarket when, in fact, it needs the same TLC when you age as your face!  Also I resolve to use oils, be it for hair, body or face, and invest in the best ones out there.’