Chanel No5 The Hair Mist


We’ve kinda fallen in love again with Chanel No5 on the strength of seeing Marion Cottilard in their beautiful new ad. (See it below.)

We can’t stop watching – proof, of course, that advertising actually works – even when you’re a beauty editor and you think you’re pretty immune to that stuff. (It is probably not unconnected with the fact that Chanel chose a mature woman for their campaign, rather than an ingénue. And no, this post – in common with every other blog post we’ve ever written - has NOT been sponsored or paid for.)

The falling-in-love certainly also has to do with this new way to wear the world’s most iconic fragrance. Hair is a great place to wear fragrance – every time you swish your hair, it is somehow ‘reactivated’ in a way that it simply isn’t, on skin. However, normal fragrances have too much alcohol to be used more than very occasionally on hair, since it dries them out.

This beautifully-bottled mist veils hair with No5’s unmistakeable, so-sophisticated blend of aldehydes, ylang ylang, jasmine etc., but is infused with an active ingredient derived from rose and jasmine, for a conditioning, silkifying effect.

And though there’s a desperate shortage of opportunities to get dressed and go out, this Christmas, the magic of No5 is frankly that it makes you WANT to dress up and put on some heels.

Which after the last few months, definitely has us feeling the love.

£48 for 35ml – buy here